Thursday, October 13, 2011

One of the worst things about a long NICU week 11 people have stopped asking how the baby is.  All the "help" people offer and give is exhausted.  Everyone tells you "oh, he'll be home soon..."  And the enthusiasm and stamina you might have had in the beginning is gone.  People don't expect you to still cry because "he's doing so well."  You've watched umpteen babies come and go from the NICU, yet you remain.  You really start feeling alone...yet nothing changes.  Then when baby finally comes home everyone shows up again wanting to steal the one thing you've craved...cuddling time.  And when its your second NICU baby, the "new" wears off even sooner....

Tonight my heart is aching, my arms feel empty, yet my eyes full of tears...


Jeanie said...


I wish I could help you. I am praying for all of you -- your courage is inspiring and your strength is a wonder to behold. (Yes, it is. Even if you cry.)

You are a SuperMama if I have ever met one.


bunnymazhari said...

Just keep your eyes on the main prize, your baby will be home eventually and all your tears will be ones of joy. I never got the chance because I am one of the unlucky mums who's little boy didn't make it. I'd give anything to be in your situation. You may be sick of hearing it but hang in there. All the best to you and your family. xxx