Tuesday, June 29, 2010

23 Months

Isaac is 23 months old today.  My last month as mommy to a one year old Isaac.  Funny how you can think the scary feelings and memories have gone away, then when an anniversary of a date rolls around it all comes rushing back anew.  Don't worry, I'm ok, just remembering.  Remembering how June 29 of 2008 I was thinking how I had an ETERNITY until my wonderful little blessing would arrive, who woulda thought he would come in just one month, setting the course for the wildest scariest yet wonderful (in its own way) roller coaster ride I've ever been on (and I HATE roller coasters).  But its been great.  I've grown and learned so much.  God had a reason behind all we went through, which at the time just felt like punishment.  But really it's wasnt.  It grew my marriage, grew my faith, and allowed me to actually get to see a miracle first hand.  I love my miracle, he is really so much more than I could ever ask for.  Not only that, he is my hero, yes, my almost two year old is my hero.

Then, the best moment of my life.

Now...Mommys little helper.


Jen said...

Its amazing how fast he has grown up!! But its really cool to see the young man he is becoming :)