Monday, June 18, 2012

Pray for Rain

Pray for Rain!!  

It is hot and dry here at our little homestead.  It hasnt rained in two months, we've sat and watched rain go all around here, very frustrating.  As I type hubby is out watering trying to get our garden to hold on just a bit longer.  I'm furiously putting what I can in jars to enjoy this winter.  I must say, nothing is quiet as rewarding as a pantry full of jars of food that your know EXACTLY where it came far we have ground seasoned venison, green beans, black bean soup, white beans and ham, potatoes, various jellies and jams (strawberry, blackberry, plum), even some strawberry lemonade.  A few things int he freezer including strawberries, a few peaches, some corn, some cabbage, a few onions, some blackberries.  Canned a bit of salsa today, hoping to get a few more tomato things in the jar as well. 

Isaac helped do salsa today, I enjoyed the fact that he said to get out the pressure cooker (I use it as a water bath canner when needed), how many three year olds know what that is?  I let him use the knife under supervision and cut up the tomatoes on the cutting board, he told me that he liked that job and that it made him so happy.  Little James watched and dreamed of HIS day to help. 

Today I also started birthday party planning...hard to think in a little more than a month I'll be mama to a 4year old and a 1 year old.  What a long way these two have come from the little two pound babies they were.  God is Good.

I hear the dirty dishes calling so I better go tend to them before supper! 


Anonymous said...

Praying for rain indeed! It is frustrating to watch your garden slowly dry up and die because of lack of rain. They are a lot of work but so rewarding!