Thursday, November 29, 2012


We decorated for Christmas today.  A little early for us but Isaac is having his tonsils out tomorrow and wanted to do it while he felt like it. 
Our decorations are a hodgepodge.  We have no theme.  Its just a collection of general things that I like.   Our tree will never be featured in a home decorator's magazine, but it makes my children's eyes light up so its perfect.  Each ornament means the one with James' footprint from his first Christmas, the stylized Halmark "Our First Christmas" that I chose because it looked kind of like our cake topper, the crooked bead candy cane Isaac made, the ornament my Home Ec teacher gave me in highschool, the few I brought from home when I got married, and the cats that remind us why our limbs are all bent and sagging.  Our tree represents US, which makes it perfect, we are a little lopsided and a little big of hodgepodge too...