So Happy 4th Birthday to my Boo Boo, my little man, my big boy.
Just a glimpse of me....
Posted by Erin at 7:52 AM 0 comments
The letter B got short changed a bit between stomach bug, VBS, and Peach Festival. However, he already was familar so I feel confident moving on.
We started the week with watching Magic School Bus episode on Bees. We counted bees, we colored butterflies, we read Brown Bear (and pointed out all the letter B's), we ate honey! (Pet peeve of beekeeper hubby, why do all the bee stuff have WASP NESTS for beehives...lol)
Our biggest challenge is him learning patterns, he is really struggling with the concept of what comes next, but we are still working on it and I'm sure he'll get it. He's sitting here right now gluing and copying a pattern of CANDY! (C is for Candy!) And off to count some M&Ms...colors, numbers, letter C...its all good!! Maybe we should also make COOKIES!
Letter C will also get a bit shortchanged when we revisit B for BIRTHDAYS! Yes, its birthday week! We'll soon have a 4 year old and a 1 year old! (Stay tuned for birthday posts!!)
Also have a speech therapy evaluation this week, while he has an amazing vocabulary and talks no stop most people have trouble understanding him so we'll see if he needs a little help!
Posted by Erin at 4:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: Homeschool, Pre-K
I decided to join the MOB (Moms of Boys) Blog Hop! Trying to get back to regularly blogging now that I'm living the leisurely life of a SAHM. (ha!)
Posted by Erin at 11:30 AM 6 comments
Today we started our homeschool preschool. I was going to wait but he was getting bored, things were organized, and he was excited and interested so we started!
We are doing "letter of the week" with other concepts and activities based off that. Today was the letter A...which I'll probably breeze through and go on because he knows that one. Of course we'll review regularly.
We talked about the letter, introduced the idea of "big letters" and "little letters". Which was new to him. We looked at the letter on flash cards, picked it out of the magnetic letters, colored a letter A. Traced the letter A. Did fingerpaint Alligator and Apple. Did some tracing of "airplane routes" and counted airplanes. Which he surprised me on...he is now counting to 9 and recognizing numbers I didnt know he knew! (If you look at the pics of the counted planes, he counted them and circled the correct one but wanted to X out the wrong ones..)
FIne motor is something we need to really work on, along with pencil control but he is only turning 4 in a couple weeks so while we are working on the writing we arent pushing it hard yet.
I also quizzed him to see what he knew, he knows ALL his colors, most of his shapes (Rectangle and Diamond are newbies to him). He also recognizes nearly all numbers 1-9, with the exception of 6 and 9.
Posted by Erin at 3:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: Homeschool, Pre-K
July is one of the busiest months for our family and this year has been no exception.
We usually kick it off with hubby-doo organizing and putting on our local fireworks show. This year it was cancelled due to extreme drought. However, he in turn has kept busy with lots of fire calls...thankfully the really bad wildfires have not been in our immediate area, there have been some bad ones around, but our little community has been spared so far.
Trying to wrap up what little garden stuff we have to can, just a few tomatoes left. And since we are under a water conservation order, watering of them is done. I have a batch of spaghetti sauce simmering now, and need to go pick another pan of tomatoes, then they will probably be done.
Next week we have VBS at church, always a wonderful experience but very tiring, especially when you have two little balls of energy.
Then comes birthday week!! Yes, this time next month I'll be mama to a 4 year old and a 1 year old. What a whirlwind this last year has been. Seems like just yesterday.....I hope to attend Isaac's party this year. :-)
Still working on organizing "homeschool preschool" for Isaac. The internet, specifically Pinterest is FULL of amazing freebies, my stack is growing! While waiting for my tomatoes to get done simmering I'm organizing stuff right now... I'm anxious to start but I want to be organized first so I am making myself not just "play school" right now and wait until I'm ready. On a positive note, he's finally decided to pay attention and is counting to 10! And knows a good portion of his letters! A few weeks ago I was horribly discouraged...now not so much. He's a smart kid but stubborn as all get out!
Posted by Erin at 2:42 PM 0 comments